Technology Helps Make the World Safer

AI Helps First Responders Quickly See the Information that Matters

With the collection of so much data in various forms, one of the main challenges organizations now face is its management, analysis, and distribution. Time is of the essence on the frontlines, so officers cannot be overloaded with data. They don’t have time to deal with complex information or complicated ways to search and access important data. Building an efficient and effective Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) and creating a Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) can give officers an extra edge.

Jolly: In intelligence-led policing, we collect all the siloed data stored in different police departments and across multiple law enforcement agencies. Now we can aggregate criminal records, crime site evidence, license plates, suspect photos, and all kinds of other data. And don’t forget, it’s all in different formats, some are in audio, others are images or videos, some are real-time, others are historical. How do you manage all this data, let alone make sense of it all, and then be able to pass the right information to the right people at the right time? This is where AI comes in to empower frontline staff with knowledge that leads to greater situational awareness. 

for safer

Motorola Solutions is Solving for Safer in North Asia

This past November, Motorola Solutions launched a new brand narrative to more clearly communicate the value of what we do – Solving for safer. Ms. Jo Tse, Motorola Solutions’ Regional Director for North Asia puts this into the context of North Asia.

This is a Newsletter Site for Motorola Solutions North Asia. For more information, please visit
Motorola Solutions Official Site.

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